
What is CmcScriptNet.WPF?

CmcScriptNet.WPF is a stand-alone, open-source script editor for Commence Item Detail Form scripts. It does not require installation. It replaces CmcScriptNet, which was a Winforms application.

Another editor?

Yes. The best Commence script editor historically is ScriptPad by Matthias Claes. Huge kudos to him! Due to changes in Commence, ScriptPad cannot be used for Commence versions higher than RM 4.1. That sucks! So I decided to create my own, modeled after ScriptPad.

Memocom has developed MemoEdit for script editing. It is available free of charge to all Memocom customers, but it is a closed-source, commercial product.

Additionally, MemoEdit has a few drawbacks that prompted me to write my own editor:

CmcScriptNet.WPF only talks to Commence when needed. It also should leave no trace, no temp files, nothing.

Unique features

Maturity and stability

CmcScriptNet.WPF is in beta and will probably be until the end of times. I developed it primarily for personal use.


Note that this is an executable file, so browsers may complain about security when downloading. Additionally, the file will likely be flagged as 'blocked' once downloaded. Simply unblock it via File Properties or learn to live with the 'Unknown Publisher' prompt when executing. This is expected behaviour.

System requirements


CmcScriptNet.WPF is freeware, it is not supported.

I welcome feedback, you can send it to cmcscriptnet@!NOSPAM! Remove the '!NOSPAM!' part.

Background information

CmcScriptNet.WPF uses Scintilla as its editor component. Scintilla is a widely used editor component used in many products, notably Notepad++ and SciTe. I chose it because it is really simple to embed yet quite powerful. It is not a native .Net control however. In the future I may replace it by a more fancy control like AvalonEdit, but I do not have active plans to do so at the moment.

All components used by CmcScriptNet.WPF are compiled into the assembly itself, resulting in a single, stand-alone executable.

CmcScriptNet.WPF uses the following components:

Compiling these into a single assembly was done using Costura.


This page is it. I hope you weren't expecting more :)

Limitations and known issues


View source on GitHub
